This Is My Bible
June 9, 2014
Khmer Holy Study Bible
June 23, 2014Designed especially for Pentecostal Christians – In-text study notes provide verse-by-verse commentary – Icons highlight passages of special significance in the Pentecostal tradition. Using the Khmer Standard Version (2005).
The Full Life Study Bible includes a complete cross-reference system, maps and charts near relevant texts, book introductions, a detailed subject index, a concordance and 16 full-color maps.
It also has features specially designed for Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians:
Themefinders: 12 symbols located in the margin indicating verses that address specific themes such as Baptized in/Filled with the Holy Spirit, Gifts of the Spirit, and Healing.
Study Notes: Written in the Pentecostal tradition by Stamps, who was a prominent Assemblies of God missionary.
Articles: 77 articles that address a wide variety of topics of doctrinal and practical importance.
Charts: 5 charts uniquely designed for this Bible such as Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Christ, and The Kingdom of God Versus the Kingdom of Satan .
The Full Life Study Bible was reviewed by pastors and scholars committed to creating a standard by which Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians of many nations could study, preach, and teach.
Here’s a sample page from John chapter 1:
The Story of Hope
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